AGLA Winter 21!
The off season comes to end, as we gear up for the second draft season of Halo 3 on MCC! This time, bigger and better than ever, with crossplay. Get your controller or get your keyboard, its time to sign up! To sign up use this link
And to see live signups check here
So what has happened during this off season? Quite a lot to be honest! We had a fantastic set of mini events, one hosted by Aspence that saw some heated classic formation teams doing battle, and one by myself that was a completely random affair, with teams shuffling each round. Both highlighted different aspects of alternate formats and scratched an itch that the regular season is not meant to. Classic teams proved to have semi predictable outcomes but Aspence did mix up pairings and had the stronger teams face off on one side of the bracket and the lesser teams on the other. Something that seemed to keep people intrigued throughout but brought about a finals that maybe wasn’t the motion competitive. For the random event we saw a few major imbalances early on that eventually shook themselves out and we ended up with some very close games during the later rounds. It was interesting to see who performed better with random teams and with on the fly pairings. How much weight these events have for the upcoming draft are yet to be seen, but some players coming back put on their first showing in quite a while during these, and that may be all captains have to go off of.
In other big news, both events were held on a new iteration of the grifball court, created by yet again Aspence. This court is on Sandbox and fixes many of the issues that existed with previous sandbox maps, mainly aesthetics. The map looks great and so far plays great, with minor fixes and alterations being made on the fly. Some more testing is needed, but its a positive step forward for H3 grifball.
Wait whats that? There is another event happening in the off season? Yes! This one for big prizes, being hosted by PennHalo and is taking place today, like right now! Go check it out here
Sign ups will be ending January 8th, then our customary period where captains are locked in and draft occurs. Hopefully with things going smoothly we can have a schedule out and games being played as early as the 12th or 13th! LETS GRIF!